Critical Incident Report

Accreditation Now is where all Critical Incident Reports are to be submitted. If you have forgotten your Accreditation Now passwords, please reach out to

Critical Incident forms must be submitted in all of the following circumstances as described in COMAR

(a) Death of a program participant1;

(b) Life threatening injury to a program participant2;

(c) Non-consensual sexual activity, as prohibited in COMAR 10.01.18;

(d) Any sexual activity between a staff member and a program participant; (For those programs covered by Md. Code Health General Β§ 10-705 or COMAR 10.01.18, additional reporting requirements apply).

(e) Unexpected evacuation of a building under circumstances that threaten the life, health or safety of participants;

(f) Diversion of medication from the stock of a program providing opioid treatment services; or

(g) Any injury related to an opioid medication dispensed by a program providing opioid treatment services.

(h) Programs are required by to report infectious diseases to the local health department. BHA expects providers to also report any of these incidents through the critical incident reporting form.

(i) Accreditation Organizations require providers to report sentinel events directly to them.These reports must also be made to BHA. A sentinel event is defined as β€œan unexpected event in which individuals suffer serious physical harm or are placed at risk thereof.”

Specifically, any provider who experiences the unexplained disappearance or elopement of an individual with a potentially life-threatening health condition or high level of risk is expected to report that disappearance.

Additional examples of incidents on which reporting to BHA is strongly encouraged include, but are not limited to:

  • Theft or unexplained loss of medications by a program that administers, dispenses, monitors, or stores medication.

  • Medication errors that reach a participant by a program that administers, dispenses, monitors, or stores medication

  • Suspected or alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a program participant by, or with the knowledge of, program staff.

  • Violation of an order of conditional release from a state psychiatric facility by a resident of a residential program, licensed or approved by the Department.

  • Any suicidal attempt by a program participant.

  • Any credible threat by a program participant that is assessed to represent a serious risk to staff, other program participants, targeted individuals, or the general public.

  • Any act of violence perpetrated or alleged to have been perpetrated by a program participant on program premises or in the course of a program service or activity.

  • Any event involving a program participant or staff member that has attracted or is likely to attract significant negative media attention;

Critical Incidents Investigation Process

Critical Incident Investigation Process Critical Incidents reported to the BHA Licensing and Compliance group will be forwarded to the relevant Local Behavioral Health Authority, Core Service Agency or Local Addiction Authority (all referred to hereafter as LBHA) for investigation, and may be investigated directly by BHA or other MDH designees.

Providers are mandated under COMAR 10.63 to cooperate with any investigation and to provide accurate information concerning the incident and any subsequent preventive efforts. Providers may be required to complete a corrective action plan to prevent further issues. Providers who fail to file a critical incident form required by, or who do not cooperate with an investigation may be subject to disciplinary action, including civil money penalties, up to and including potential suspension or license termination. Critical incident reporting is not a substitute for contacting appropriate law enforcement or emergency services in the event of an emergency. Thank you, Optum Maryland Team

Last updated